David R Shlim, M.D. is one of the most respected travel medicine practitioners in the world. He gained his experience in travel medicine while taking care of tourists and expatriates in Kathmandu, Nepal for fifteen years. During that time he offered free medical care to the Tibetan monastic community and took care of the newly-arrived Tibetan refugees. His twenty-three year friendship with Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, the head of a large monastery in Kathmandu, led to a book entitled Medicine and Compassion: A Tibetan Lama�s Guidance for Caregivers. While studying Tibetan Buddhism in Nepal, David became aware of the possibilities of training and stabilizing one�s compassion. Western medicine has often encouraged compassion among its students, but there have been no available teachings on how to expand compassion and make it more effortless. Highly motivated caregivers often run up against their own limits of compassion. David�s presentation will explore the concept of compassion, why we feel that it is limited, and how we can work towards unlimited compassion. David has lectured on medicine and compassion at the Harvard School of Public Health, Yale University, the University of California at San Diego, and the University of Florida, among other venues.
Film Previews
Speaker 2008: Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D.
Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D. is Clinical Professor of Family and Community Medicine at UCSF School of Medicine and the Founder and Director of the Institute of the Study of Health and Medicine and the Founder and Director of The Healer's Art curriculum for medical students, at UCSF which is now being taught in 60 other medical schools nationwide. She is co-founder and medical director o f the Commonweal Cancer Help Program, one of the first support groups for cancer patients in America, featured in the groundbreaking 1993 Bill Moyers's PBS series Healing and the Mind. Dr. Remen is the author of the New York Times best seller Kitchen Table Wisdom and the national bestseller My Grandfather's Blessing, which have been published in 18 languages. Dr. Remen has a 53-year history or Crohn's disease and her work is a synthesis of the perspectives of physician and patient.
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Special Event
Don't Miss a Unique and Unforgettable Evening to Support the 2008 Festival. "Wine as a Catalyst Toward Healing our Planet" An Evening With Dick Grace of the Grace Family Vineyards Wednesday, August 27 Sun Valley, Idaho Venue to be determined $125 per person Join us for an intimate evening with Dick Grace. 100% of the "fruits" of his family vineyard go to support projects for children in Nepal, Tibet,the Andaman Islands, Mexico, and the USA. His message is simple and compelling . . . "Select a course of action to more freely express your innate compassionate nature and do it." - Dick Grace Call 208-726-2777 or emailellen@sunvalleyevents.com to reserve your spot!
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